Who we are

Grounded IT is an information technology consulting company looking to help IT professionals grow their skills and meet the goals of their IT portfolios.

What we do

Grounded IT's freelancing efforts are designed to provide IT organizations a boost towards achieving common IT initiatives in the industry. Grounded IT's trainings allows teams to maintain their IT expertise to support delivery.

Why we do it

The diverse array of problems IT Managers face on a daily basis are both context-specific and consuming. Being buried in the day-to-day grind with a relatively static amount of help, it can be difficult to handle the swells of business problems that ebb and flow. Grounded IT recognizes that need and seeks to fill it, allowing IT organizations an avenue to resolve their near-term issues while leveling up their widespread, progressive, IT acumen. Hopefully, the options Grounded IT provides enables clients to outpace their competitors and deliver for their customers.


Freelance Effort

A Grounded IT Service

Take AWS DevOps for
Front-end Developers

A Grounded IT Training
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